The design Corruira 42 is a case of success among our stock plans. When we decided to design a mid-sized displacement trawler within the reach of the home builder to accomplish its construction, we couldn’t imagine we had hit the nail on the head in touching the heart of so many yachties.
Now that we have many clients building Corruiras in different countries, it becomes evident that the formula of success resided in the premise that the design is classified as a long range, low consumption, displacement trawler, having much lower fuel consumption when navigating offshore than the planning or semi-planning hulls. Sucking the seas around the hull seeking a couple of extra knots, forget it! It is not even ecologically correct to do that.
For those who choose the Corruira, what counts most is the pleasure to be onboard and the rewarding self-confidence of being able to go to distant places in comfort and safety. Our best supporter regarding the design is our friend Flavio Rodrigues, owner of the renowned Flab Boatyards,, from Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, who built a couple of units of this model, the second for a client of ours, Fernando Rodrigues, a Portuguese engineer involved in oil-rig projects, and a fanatic blue water angler. Fernando wanted a little bit more space internally, and, for that matter, asked us to assist him in enlarging the design to forty-six feet, which we consented with no restriction and developed the required alteration.

You will notice in the photo that the sheer line chosen by Fernando has two discontinuities. This was an absolutely essential requirement of his, since fishing is his deepest passion, and low freeboard in the aft bridge is a must for him.
Here are some extra photos from the interior of Fernando’s Corruira 46.

Click here to know more about the Corruira 42
This video is from the first Corruira 42 built at Flab and this is their inaugural trip from the coast of São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro.