Boat Plans - Samoa 36

Veleiro de cruzeiro de boa performance

O projeto do Samoa 36 tem por objetivo oferecer ao mercado náutico um barco de cruzeiro de alta performance para construção em fibra de vidro, ideal para estaleiros planejando construção em série. Nesse projeto o casco, o convés e a mobília são fabricados em fibra de vidro, de modo que o custo de produção e o tempo de fabricação ficam reduzidos, depois do investimento inicial em formas.

Dados Técnicos

Comprimento total

11.00 m (36’ 1”)

Comprimento da linha d'água

9.20 m (30’ 2”)

Boca Máxima

3.84 m (12’ 7”)

Calado (quilha com bulbo)

1.55 m (5’ 1”)


2,250 kg (4,956 lb)


6,500 kg (14,317 lb)

Capacidade dos tanques de água doce

500 l (132 gal)

Tanques de óleo diesel

170 l (45 gal)

Pé-direito Máximo

2,00 m

Área Vélica

57.42 m2 (618 sq. ft.)

Propulsão Auxiliar

40 hp

Método Construtivo


Descrição Técnica

Arranjo Interno:

O barco possui um camarote de proa com duas camas em V transformáveis em uma larga cama de casal, uma poltrona a bombordo e amplo armário de roupas a boreste.

A bulkhead with door separates the fore cabin from the main saloon and in this area are placed two settee berths, the one at port side being U shaped. The hinged table, placed at centre line, is large enough for four persons to have a meal in comfort even if only using its port side half. When both sides are open the number of guests can be doubled. Behind the settees there are lockers and bookshelves at both sides. Most production yachts this size don’t offer a lot of storage space, instead preferring to place the settees practically touching the topsides.

No mesmo ambiente do salão estão colocados a cozinha a bombordo e a mesa de navegação do outro lado. A bancada da cozinha possui uma geladeira e uma superfície livre para colocação de travessas ou o que se precise colocar sobre esta bancada. Um recesso em frente às pias tira o cozinheiro da projeção transversal do fogão, um fator extra de segurança.

The galley counter extends up to the centreline providing a very large working area. Under this counter there is room for a garbage bin, compressor for refrigeration and there is still place for pots and pans. The large refrigeration compartment is easily accessed once there is a recess in the counter’s aft wall that shortens the distance for one’s arm to reach the inside corners of the box. In front of this recess are placed twin sinks which are handy for using one for washing and the next for drying. Closer to the centreline there is additional room that can be used for placing serving plates, not far from the dining table.

Behind the gimballed gas stove and the refrigerator’s door, above the counter surface, are placed two lockers normally used to store kitchen utensils and provisions.

The navigation table at the other side with its cosy stool is large enough for all electronic gear normally placed aboard a boat this size, and there is still enough room for a paper chart folded in half. The electrical distribution panel is placed to the right of the navigator’s seat and next in front is placed another wall where radios and other electronic equipment may be installed.

The boat’s head is placed to starboard of the engine compartment. There is ample headroom on top of the grated floor board for a shower. Sink and toilet are positioned for maximum comfort. Following in the aft direction there is a huge compartment for stowage with access from the head compartment and from outside. Few yachts provide such a convenience. This compartment can be used to store spare sails, inflatable dinghy, ropes, and fenders, still leaving room for the installation of a dessalinator or even a generator. Closer to the transom is placed a tight locker for gas bottles.

Morar a bordo do Samoa 36 é fácil, e tem sido uma opção bem comum entre os donos de Samoa 36.

Convés e mastreação:

Externamente o Samoa 36 se caracteriza principalmente pelo equilíbrio estético entre cockpit, cabine e convés de proa.

A cabine com uma gaiuta na parte central do espelho de vante, duas pequenas gaiútas no teto, duas vigias de abrir nas laterais da cabine e mais quatro janelas deixa passar luz e ventilação natural como em poucos veleiros. Para vante a lateral é apenas um pequeno ressalto, o que não tira de forma alguma a impressão de convés corrido mas que funciona como apoio para o pé quando o barco está adernado e melhora o pé direito em baixo desta parte da cabine.

O cockpit com roda de leme é aberto para a plataforma de popa, tendo um banco para o timoneiro que pivota abrindo passagem para quem entra ou sai do barco. No assento de boreste do cockpit existem duas tampas de acesso, uma mais a ré para um compartimento estanque dos botijões de gás e outra ligada ao grande depósito localizado atrás do banheiro.2 .

The simplicity of the deck arrangement makes it easy sail her in an effortless way. The main sail traveller is placed on the cabin trunk’s roof, so there is no interference between dodger and main sheet. On the cockpit there are only the primary fore sail winches, placed to the outside of the coamings. The cockpit is almost clear, with only the steering wheel and a folding table. The Samoa 36 has above average capacity for water and diesel, a quite shallow draught and adequate balanced rudder.

Comprar Projeto

Plano de Estudos


Planos de Construção - Cabine Curta


Fotos e Imagens

Outros Planos


Pop 20– 6.20 m (20.3 ft) costal sailing

Multichine 23 – 7.20 m (23.6 ft) costal sailing

Pop 25 – 7.54 m (24.7 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Pantanal 25 – 7.65 m (25.1 ft) costal sailing, lifting keel, trailerable

Pop Alu 28 – 8.50 m (27.9 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Multichine 26C – 8.74 m (28.7 ft) blue water cruising sailboat,

Samoa 28 – 8.80 m (28.9 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Bora Bora 28 – 8.85 m (29.0 ft) coastal sailing catamaran

Multichine 28 – 9.20 m (30.2 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Multichine 31 – 9.45 m (31.0 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Pop Alu 32 – 9.88 m (32.4 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Multichine 36 – 10.30 m (33.8 ft) /11.16m (38.1 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Samoa 34 – 10.40 m (34.1 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Cabo Horn 35 – 10.80 m (35.4 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Kiribati 36 – 11.00 m (36.1 ft) blue water cruising sailboat, lifting keel

Samoa 36 – 11.00 m (36.1 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Multichine 37 SK – 11.16 m (36.6 ft) blue water cruising sailboat, lifting keel

Multichine 38 Sport – 11.60 m (38.1 ft) performance cruising, blue water sailboat, lifting keel

Explorer 39 – 12.00 m (39.4 ft) blue water cruising sailboat, lifting keel

Aventura 40 – 12.27 m (40.3 ft) blue water cruising sailboat, classic style (contact us)

Cabo Horn 40 – 12.27 m (40.3 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Multichine 41 – 12.48 m (40.9 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Multichine 41SK – 12.48 m (40.9 ft) blue water cruising sailboat, lifting keel

Polar 44 – 13.41 m (44.0 ft) blue water and high latitudes cruising sailboat

Polar 44 DS – 13.41 m (44.0 ft) blue water with, lifting keel, deck saloon

Multichine 45 – 13.70 m (44.9 ft) blue water cruising sailboat

Multichine 45SK – 13.70 m (44.9 ft) blue water cruising sailboat, lifting keel (contact us)

Polar 50 – 15.28 m (50.1 ft) blue water cruising sailboat, lifting keel (contact us)

Polar 65 – 20.00 m (65.6 ft) blue water and high latitudes cruising sailboat, lifting keel

Southern Cross 77 – 23.50 m (77.1 ft) blue water cruising sailboat


Micro 19 – 5.47 m (17.9 ft) performance sailing, lifting keel, trailerable

Green Flash 25 – 7.50 m (24.6 ft) sail racing (contact us)

Green Flash 33 – 9.90 m (32.5 ft) sail racing, ORC 33 class


Diamond 6.0 – 6.06 m (19.9 ft) sundecker powerboat, trailerable

Pilotina 25 – 7.60 m (24.9 ft) displacement trawler, costal

Southern Voyager 28 – 8.70 m (28.5 ft) displacement trawler, costal

Corruira 33 – 10.10 m (33.1 ft) displacement trawler, costal

Corruíra 42 – 12.88 m (42.3 ft) displacement trawler, costal and blue water


Caravela 1.7 – 1.70 m (5.6 ft) sailing dinghy, tender, free project

Little Nomad – 2.30 m (7.5 ft) sailing dinghy, tender

Caravela 2.5 – 2.55 m (8.4 ft) sailing dinghy, tender (contact us)

Andorinha – 4.71 m (15.5 ft) daysailer, pleasure sailing and racing, trailerable

Brasileirinho – 6.00 m (19.7 ft) ocean rowing boat

Pop Star 21 – 6.40 m (21.0 ft) daysailer, pleasure sailing and racing, lifting keel, trailerable